Dotmagazine Article Registered Email

September 2019 – Email Best Practices


Willem Voogt from Aangetekend B.V. draws the comparison between attention value in physical and electronic mail, and looks at the influence of the eIDAS Regulation and the GDPR on email reliability.

In a steadily increasing stream of received digital messages, reliability is a key word in terms of securing the reader’s attention: what is up for scrutiny is the identity of the sender and the recipient, the intent of the message, and the fact that the message is not changed during or after the shipment. The eIDAS-Regulation for Electronic Registered Delivery Service (ERDS) plays a pivotal role in ensuring such reliability, with the GDPR also weighing in increasing the reliability of emails. This paper makes a link between the terms of the eIDAS-Regulation for Electronic Registered Delivery Service (ERDS) and the attention value of emails. Throughout the paper, a comparison is drawn with the personal sorting of physical post as it occurred in times past.

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